Good policy ideas will go nowhere without the leadership of good policy-makers. FRC Action and FRC Action PAC meet with candidates, research their records, analyze their positions, and endorse those we believe will be principled leaders for faith, family, and freedom.


Whether you are seeking to impact public policy or gain a better understanding of issues impacting faith, family, and freedom, equip yourself with research and information compiled through the lens of a biblical worldview.


Nationwide, a top U.S. insurance company known for its catchy jingle of being "on your side," is causing customers to wonder exactly whose side they're on. With vast diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) measures, the company seems to be including a very specific LGBT-centric demographic, while excluding those with Christian and conservative values in the process.

During an interview on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Tuesday, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton declared that Americans who engage in speech that "parrot Russian propaganda" should be "civilly or even in some cases, criminally charged." Clinton became the latest in a recent string of high-profile Democrats to suggest that First Amendment free speech rights in America should be curtailed.

After watching the news cycle through the various anti-Israel protests on college campuses, as well as the multi-year battle against DEI in education, it was only a matter of weeks ago I found myself thankful that my alma mater hadn't made the list of problematic schools. At least, not the ones broadcasted such as Harvard, Columbia, and friends. However, that changed this week when Boise State University (BSU) received media attention due to a case between a coffee shop and some student activists.

Twelve people were killed and nearly 2,800 were injured in Lebanon when pagers used by members of the Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah simultaneously exploded at around 3:30 p.m. A Hezbollah official called the event the group's "biggest security breach" since Hezbollah joined Hamas's war against Israel last October.

A conservative Catholic advocacy group is launching an ad campaign across swing states exposing Vice President Kamala Harris's support for taxpayer-funded mutilative gender transition procedures on children. CatholicVote began airing ads on Monday using Medicaid data to reveal that the incumbent Biden-Harris administration has been using American taxpayer dollars to fund the procedures - including mastectomies, hysterectomies, and penis amputations - on minors. The campaign's target audience are Catholic voters and parents in swing states.

Planned Parenthood is the nation's most prosperous abortion business, committing hundreds of thousands of abortions a year, but its website boasts of another feat: its ability to reach children with a controversial sex education curriculum one expert says does "a horrible and deadly disservice" to kids. Planned Parenthood's sex ed lessons teach children under the age of 10 about prostitution. They also cover gender identity, LGBTQ "skills," and how to get an abortion without parental consent or notification.


Based in Washington, D.C., FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council. We seek to educate and influence elected officials on Capitol Hill and in the states, activate our grassroots network, and mobilize Values Voters on behalf of faith, family, and freedom.