Good policy ideas will go nowhere without the leadership of good policy-makers. FRC Action and FRC Action PAC meet with candidates, research their records, analyze their positions, and endorse those we believe will be principled leaders for faith, family, and freedom.


Whether you are seeking to impact public policy or gain a better understanding of issues impacting faith, family, and freedom, equip yourself with research and information compiled through the lens of a biblical worldview.


Conservative members of Congress have voiced their unwavering opposition to President Joe Biden's plan to transform the Supreme Court via three constitutional amendments the president proposed on Monday, calling the backdoor court-packing plan "pathetic," unconstitutional, and "dead on arrival."

If you'd have asked pollsters a month ago, it was game over for Democrats in the White House. But the storylines have dramatically changed since Joe Biden's hapless debate, and his replacement - Vice President Kamala Harris - seems to be rewriting her unpopular past with a surge in recent polling. With less than 100 days to go before the election, what do these numbers mean? And can we trust them?

Liberty University has been sued by a former employee, who is alleging that the school engaged in employment discrimination by firing him after he notified Human Resources that he identified as a transgender woman. But legal experts say that the Constitution and court precedent protect religious institutions like Liberty to only staff employees who abide by a religious moral code.

There is much talk today, across the Western world but especially in America, of communism, socialism, Marxism and Leninism, and the Total State. Grand allusions are made to the Soviet regime, to third-world dictatorships, to 20th century coups, and to Nazi propaganda. But what is tragically and all-too-often overlooked is not the Bolshevik Revolution, nor Hitler's ascension to the chancellorship of Germany, nor the numerous communist revolutions and counter-revolutions which populated the latter half of the 1900s, but an older revolution, which served as the root of them all: the French Revolution.

A July report released by the Commission on the National Defense Strategy revealed America is facing "the most serious and most challenging" dangers since World War II. But that wasn't the only shocking news the commission had to offer. It also made clear that, despite the perilous times, the U.S. military is "not prepared" to fight in any major war - particularly with growing threats like China and Russia.

If Olympians are marked by discipline, the opening ceremony to the 2024 Olympics was marked by debauchery. Performers in drag staged a blasphemous mockery of "The Last Supper," as depicted in Leonardo Da Vinci's iconic painting. Defenders of the performance claimed it recreated a different painting, "The Feast of the Gods" by Jan Hermansz van Bijlert, which itself mimics Da Vinci's Last Supper. They pointed to one actor depicting the Greco-Roman god of fertility, wine, and revelry, Dionysus/Bacchus.


Based in Washington, D.C., FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council. We seek to educate and influence elected officials on Capitol Hill and in the states, activate our grassroots network, and mobilize Values Voters on behalf of faith, family, and freedom.