FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 2, 2024 CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397

Family Research Council Action Announces Platform Integrity Project: An open process that protects the Pro-Life, Pro-Family, and Pro-Israel platform

For first time ever, votes on the party platform will be tracked and scored

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Family Research Council Action Chairman Tony Perkins, who is an elected member of the Republican National Committee (RNC) Platform Committee from Louisiana, is announcing, in conjunction with scores of other conservative groups, the launch of the Platform Integrity Project. This coalition seeks to work with the RNC and the Trump campaign for an open process that will help ensure the preservation of the GOP’s solidly conservative platform that contains longstanding pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Israel planks. This effort will, for the first time, score individual votes of platform delegates. Partnering organizations include: FRC Action, WallBuilders, Faith Wins, American Principles Project, Family Policy Alliance, AFA Action, Liberty Counsel Action, Pro-Family Legislative Network, The Family Foundation of Kentucky, Center for Arizona Policy Action, Frontline Policy Action, Maryland Family Action, Human Coalition Action, Palmetto Family Council, and the North Carolina Values Coalition.

Family Research Council Action Chairman Tony Perkins released the following statement.

“Party platforms matter.  They state a party’s principles and their priorities. According to research by Dr. Lee Payne, the parties actually follow their platforms. Between 1980 and 2004, Republican lawmakers followed their platform 82 percent of the time.

“As Ronald Reagan noted, ‘There are cynics who say that a party platform is something that no one bothers to read, and it doesn't very often amount to much.’  But he said ‘a banner of bold unmistakable colors with no pale pastels’ would reveal the difference between Republicans and the other party.

“America is an unprecedented place of moral and cultural confusion and is in dire need of leadership and moral clarity. The Republican Party must once again communicate a clear and hopeful contrast between the parties by painting a message for voters on the foundational issues--life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--not in pale pastels but in bright, bold colors. 

“Voters need to see a contrast between the two parties on their policy priorities. Voters want and need a choice.  The message to Platform Committee delegates is clear: preserve life and family values in the Republican Party platform so that social conservatives can continue to find a home in the GOP,” concluded Perkins.

Click here for more information on the Platform Integrity Project.
